Minimum Health Coverage

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Managed Care Administrators (MCA) has been providing Utah employers with partially self-funded health plan solutions for almost two decades. MCA offers

medical and dental claims administration, stop-loss placement, cafeteria, FSA, HRA, COBRA, and HIPAA administration. MCA management team has more

than 100 years of combined experience in all areas of healthcare delivery, including the start-up and development of health insurance companies, HMO’s,

PPO networks, and health plan administration.

MCA is proud to offer the premier provider panel in the state which includes Intermountain Healthcare hospitals and physicians.

The MCA sales and marketing model is based on working with Utah’s finest licensed insurance agents & brokers. We do not solicit an employer group without an agent/broker. MCA has secured the most advanced employer reporting systems in the industry and provides claims and customer service at the highest levels. This results in client retention.

Example MEC and MVP proposal:


If you have any questions about this plan or would like to receive a quote please contact our staff or Jeff Hansen at 801-938-1146.

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